With Nedjosoft PaperForm you can precisely fill and print your paper forms. Just scan your paper forms, create a new template (NPF file), add a page (the images of the scanned forms are used as background), choose and set two reference points, specify text fields (single line, adjustable multiline) and check boxes (several types) and drag it to the right position, fill in your data and print it or save it for the future use. And it's totally free for non-commercial use! No spyware, adware or any limitation!
Some special features:
Reference point setting used to correct the images of the scanned forms and to achieve the precise printing onto the original forms.
Multiple form pages in a single NPF file Font, color and line settings at file or field level.
Grouping of check boxes as 'one-of-all' or 'all-but-one' with tick (V), circle (O), X-mark or dash (--, strike out) type.
Adjustable line height of multiline text fields - by dragging the control points (rough) or with the mouse scroll wheel (fine).
Transparent fields for easier positioning.
Custom guides and field snapping for easier positioning.
Easy ordering of fields to achieve the right focus order by filling data.
Unit setting at file level: inches or mm.
Saving the template files (NPF) as data files (NPF too) allowing further only the content to be changed.
(Multilingual) instructions by means of infotips.